LX is a high-tech enterprise specializing in the development, manufacturing, and sales of FFC flexible flat cables and connectors. Since our establishment, we have been dedicated to the development and manufacturing of FFC flexible flat cables and connectors. We have introduced advanced production lines and testing equipment from Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, enabling us to produce various specifications of FFC flexible flat cables and FFC/FPC connectors. We use domestically produced or partially imported environmentally friendly materials, and all our products comply with the environmental substance control requirements of the European Union and major international companies. Some products with particularly strict requirements meet Sony's green environmental standards. Our products are widely used in various electronic devices such as car navigation systems, dash cameras, automotive safety airbags, digital cameras, DVD players, VCD players, CD-ROM drives, LCD monitors, smartphones, televisions, printers, fax machines, copiers, scanners, security equipment, audio equipment, miniature motors, barcode printers, LED/LCD screens, computers, video recorders, cameras, laptops, learning devices, and POS printers.
Termék Leltár Egységár Mennyiség Adatlap RoHS


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